soon i’ll be glittering in the water
oil on canvas, 3' x 5', April 2023 SOLD
soon i'll be glittering in the water (2023) is a large-scale self-portrait demonstrating personal strength and perseverance using fish as a representation of self. It is a cathartic way to visually represent personal growth and tenacity. Using the literary idiom "fish out of water", Camila illustrates a fish as a symbol of courage, persistence, and strength of character. The subject occupies both the caregiving and recipient position as the fish is helpless out of the water; she helps it with a comforting yet firm grip. The relationship between the subjects creates a vision of perseverance and guidance of oneself. The fish poses a significant weight on the figure's shoulders, causing a responsive facial expression of exertion. The open sky, sunlight and forward-facing gaze enforce the narrative implications of returning this displaced fish back into the water, a place of solace. The complementary colours in this piece reflect the balanced and harmonious relationship between the subjects. Further, the imposing, larger-than-life scale of this painting puts the vulnerable subjects into a powerful, heroic position– a position of strength.